abstract class Assert::Assertions::Assertion


Base class of all assertions.

An assertion consists of:

  1. An annotation applied to a property.
  2. A class that implements the validation logic for that annotation.

Each assertion defines an actual ivar that represents the current value of the property. The type of actual is used to determine what types of properties the annotation can be applied to. I.e. if the type is String, that assertion can only be applied to String properties. The generic P can also be used, which would allow it to be added to any type of property.

All assertions must inherit from Assertion as well as apply the Register annotation, and give the name of the annotation; Assert::SomeAssertion for example.

Assertions can define additional ivars within the initializer. The name of each ivar is also used as the name to use on the annotation.

Ivars with a default value are considered optional. The default value will be used if that value is not specified within the annotation.

Assertion.initializer can be used as an easier way to define the initialize method.

Custom Assertions

Custom assertions can easily be defined by inheriting from Assertion, applying the Register annotation, and setting the name of the annotation to read.

@[Assert::Assertions::Register(annotation: Assert::MyCustom)]
class MyCustom(PropertyType) < Assert::Assertions::Assertion
  def initialize(
    @actual : String?,            # This assertion can only be used on `String?` or `String` properties. Is set automatically.
    @some_value : Int32,          # A required argument, must be supplied within the annotation or a compile time error will be raised.
    property_name : String,       # The property this assertion was applied to.  Is set automatically.
    @some_bool : Bool = true,     # An optional argument.  The value will be `true` if *some_bool* is not specified within the annotation.
    message : String? = nil,      # Optionally override the message on a per property basis.
    groups : Array(String)? = nil # Optionally override the groups on a per property basis.
    super property_name, message, groups # Be sure to call `super property_name, message, groups` to set the property_name/message/groups.

  # The initialize method could also have been written using the `Assertion.initializer` macro.
    actual: String?,
    some_value: Int32,
    some_bool: "Bool = true"

  # :inherit:
  def default_message_template : String
    # The default message template to use if one is not supplied.
    # Instance variables on `self` can be referenced/formatted within the template by using named sprintf named arguments. E.x. `%{some_bool}`, or `%<some_number>0.4d`, etc.
    "'%{property_name}' is not valid."

  # :inherit:
  def valid? : Bool
    # Define validation logic

NOTE Every assertion must have a generic PropertyType as its first generic type variable; even if the assertion is not using it.

This custom assertion is now ready to use. Be sure to include Assert.

# Since *some_value* does not have a default value, it is required.
@[Assert::MyCustom(some_value: 123)]
property name : String

# Override the default value of *some_bool*.
@[Assert::MyCustom(some_value: 456, some_bool: false)]
property name : String

Validation Groups

By default, Assert bases the validity of an object based on all the assertions defined on it. However, each assertion has an optional #groups property that can be used to assign that assertion to a given group(s). Assertions without explicit groups are automatically assigned to the "default" group. This allows assertions without a group to be ran in conjunction with those in an explicit group. Validation groups can be used to run a subset of assertions, and base the validity of the object on that subset.

class Groups
  include Assert

  def initialize(@group_1 : Int32, @group_2 : Int32, @default_group : Int32); end

  @[Assert::EqualTo(value: 100, groups: ["group1"])]
  property group_1 : Int32

  @[Assert::EqualTo(value: 200, groups: ["group2"])]
  property group_2 : Int32

  @[Assert::EqualTo(value: 300)]
  property default_group : Int32

Groups.new(100, 200, 300).valid?                      # => true
Groups.new(100, 100, 100).valid?                      # => false
Groups.new(100, 100, 100).valid?(["group1"])          # => true
Groups.new(200, 100, 300).valid?(["default"])         # => true
Groups.new(100, 200, 200).valid?("group1", "default") # => false


An assertion can utilize additional generic type variables, other than the required PropertyType. These would then be provided as positional arguments on the assertion annotation.

@[Assert::Assertions::Register(annotation: Assert::Exists)]
# A custom assertion that validates if a record exists with the given *id*.
# For example, an ORM model where `.exists?` checks if a record exists with the given PK.
# I.e. `SELECT exists(select 1 from "users" WHERE id = 123);`
class Exists(PropertyType, Model) < Assert::Assertions::Assertion
    actual: PropertyType

  # :inherit:
  def default_message_template : String
    "'%{actual}' is not a valid %{property_name}."

  # :inherit:
  def valid? : Bool
    # Can use any class method defined on `M`
    Model.exists? @actual
class Post < SomeORM::Model
  include Assert

  def initialize; end

  property author_id : Int64 = 17

This would assert that there is a User record with a primary key value of 17.

Of course you can also define named arguments on the annotation if you wanted to, for example, customize the error message on a per annotation basis.

@[Assert::Exists(User, message: "No user exists with the provided ID")]
property author_id : Int64


By default, objects must be validated manually; that is using Assert#valid?, Assert#validate, or Assert#validate! on your own. This is left up to the user to allow them to control how exactly validation of their objects should work.

Assert is easy to integrate into existing frameworks/applications. For example, it could be included in a web framework to automatically run assertions on deserialization, by adding some logic to a after_initialize method if using JSON::Serializable. It could also be added into an ORM to check if the object is valid before saving. You could also add logic to an initializer so that it would validate the object on initialization.

NOTE nil is considered to be a valid value if the property is nilable. Either use a non-nilable type, or a NotNil assertion.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(property_name : String, message : String? = nil, groups : Array(String)? = nil) #

Sets the property_name, and message/groups if none were provided.

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Instance Method Detail

abstract def default_message_template : String #

Returns the default #message_template to use if no message is provided.

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def groups : Array(String) #

The validation groups self is a part of.

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abstract def message : String #

The message to display if self is not valid.

NOTE This method is defined automatically, and is just present for documentation purposes.

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def message_template : String #

The raw template string that is used to build #message.

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def property_name : String #

The name of the property self was applied to.

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abstract def valid? : Bool #

Returns true if a property satisfies self, otherwise false.

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Macro Detail

macro initializer(**ivars) #

Builds initialize with the provided ivars.

Handles setting the required parent arguments and calling super.

initializer(actual: String?, some_bool: "Bool = false")
# def initialize(
#   property_name : String,
#   @actual : ::Union(String, ::Nil),
#   @some_bool : Bool = false,
#   message : String? = nil,
#   groups : Array(String)? = nil
# )
#   super property_name, message, groups
# end

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